“Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.” –Shinichi Suzuki

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As well as participating in performance opportunities, my students take part in a variety of Suzuki events, which become the highlight of the year for many of them!

The benefits are endless and include: being motivated and re-energised, gain fresh insight and new approaches to music by working with expert guest tutors, feel the camaraderie and joy of playing together in orchestras and group play ins, attend or perform in concerts to enjoy music together, parents feel supported and encouraged to help their child on their musical journey, creates musical bonds with like-minded students and families that blossom into lasting friendships, and creates a lifetime of memories by sharing quality time with your child.


The Suzuki Festival is a three day event at Abbotsleigh School, during the first week of school holidays in April. Fun enrichment classes, small group tutorials, play-ins, daily afternoon concerts, Gala concert, parent talks and masterclasses, where invited guests join local teachers to provide a rich and exciting program for all students.

A great occasion for learning, sharing, and making music in an encouraging Suzuki environment that will help sustain and motivate students and families.


The Spring School is a two day workshop that happens at the end of Term 3, featuring tutorials, ensembles, play-ins, parent talk, enrichment classes, music literacy and theory classes.  For Violin, Cello, Viola, Guitar, Flute, Recorder and Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE). Finale concert includes ensemble pieces, selected instrumental performances and mass play-in.

Location: Abbotsleigh Junior School


The Suzuki Graduation happens once a year culminating with a beautiful concert of around 100 cellists at Sydney Opera House. It all starts by submit a recording of the graduation piece. Qualified teachers listen to graduations, and write positive and helpful reports. Graduation is not an examination, but rather a celebration and recognition for having reached a certain milestone in the ongoing process of musical education.

It is organised by the Suzuki Talent Education Association of Australia for students of Violin, Cello, Viola, Piano, Flute, Recorder, Guitar and Double Bass.


The Suzuki Residential Cello Camp is a 4 day camp during the Summer Holidays, either in December or January. It is a big event with tutorials, play-ins, daily concerts, parent talks and masterclasses, with invited guest tutors.

It becomes a true holiday with the bush surroundings and relaxed atmosphere, where families and students get to spend 4 amazing days together, sleeping in cabins, playing music and non-music games, having meals together and making long-lasting friendships.

Highly recommend!

“Character first, ability second.”

– Shinichi Suzuki