“Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.” –Shinichi Suzuki

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Cello Adventures Studio is located in Dee Why, Sydney Northern Beaches. The studio is comprised of around 24 passionate cello students of various backgrounds and musical experience. Together we have weekly lessons, younger students have monthly group classes and we enjoy many studio events such as Concerts, Book Recitals, Community Performances, and more! Our studio is a close group of families all speaking the common language of music and on the remarkable journey of learning to play together. 

Studio Basics

PRIVATE LESSONS (face to face or online)

Private Lessons happen once a week at your assigned lesson time, and all students take the following lesson lengths:

  • BEGINNERS: 30 minutes lesson
  • INTERMEDIATE AND ABOVE: 45 minutes lesson
  • TEENS & ADULT STUDENTS (from 14 years old): 45 minute lesson



A foundational pillar of my Studio is group class. This is where the magic truly happens. Where young cellists learn to play together, to hear each other’s voices through their cellos, and to grow as a team. Group classes are held once a month on Saturday afternoon for young students up to 14 years old.



The Studio hosts a concert every term on Saturday afternoon. Students also have the opportunity to perform at Book Recitals, Suzuki Graduation Concerts and Community Concerts.



The Studio also participates in Suzuki events throughout the year, like Suzuki Festivals, Suzuki Graduations at the Opera House, Spring School and Summer Camps.



Parent education is a big part of the Studio. It involves Parent Email Masterclass when you join the Studio, Parent Nights,  and a lending library for parents.

“It is necessary to be concerned about the
importance of educating a really beautiful human spirit.”

– Shinichi Suzuki